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Tell me, on a scale from 1 to 10 ...
- How is Your health? What routines do You follow daily to get energized and to rest to ensure You experience vibrancy each day? What is your routine for recovery?
- Are Your relationships strong? What habits have You developed to create thriving, engaging connections? What frameworks do You follow for conflict resolution?
- How productive are You? What skillsets do You utilize at work and at home to be focused and effective to achieve what's most important to You? What is Your strategy for minimizing distractions?
Do You desire a winning edge Personal Playbook ...of the routines, habits, frameworks, strategies and skillsets You need to reach Your next level of success and enjoyment in all areas of Your Life?
Do It Differentley ~ Kimberly Trefz
Are You ready for Your A-Game?
Start today by elevating Your Energy ...
- How is Your health? What routines do You follow daily to get energized and to rest to ensure You experience vibrancy each day? What is your routine for recovery?
What do We ALL have in common?
Simple ... I believe we all want the to experience the very best that this life has to offer! We all want an extraordinary life!
In our body, we want to feel healthy and vibrant.
In our career, we want to feel successful and accomplished.
In our finances, we want to feel secure and stable.
With our family and friends, we want to feel accepted and vital.
With our significant other, we want to feel loved and valued.
In our Spirit, we want to feel empowed and alive.
With our meaningful pursuits, we want to feel free to pursue them.
We all want to feel joyful and excited and anticipatory about our lives, right?
If You are not feeling Your best about any of these areas, You can improve it. You can experience more of the best that it can be. You can take it to the next level. Because there is always a next level You, as long as You are willing to go for it!
Why is Now the Time for You to Do It Differentley?
✅ Because, we've lived through a world-wide crisis that affected everyone ... including You.
Everything was so uncertain. The primary goals were holding on to the familiar, risk aversion and loss aversion. Shock, discouragement, worry, exhaution, and fear were the prevailing themes. We were living in survival mode.
... For most, the time of fear and protection has passed.
✅ Because, we then passed through the crisis to a new normal.
Things were different and we had to learn how to navigate in the new world. The primary goals were making wellness the priority, getting support, acquiring new coping skill to deal with all of the changes, and pivoting. Managing anxiety, overhwelm, stress, and frustration were the prevailing themes. We were tentatively re-emerging back into the world.
... For some, the time of caution and transitioning has also passed.
✅ Because, for the rest us, all of that is over. It's Game Time!
It's time to get back to living, to trying new things, to challenge ourselves. The primary goals now are to push forward, to be visionary, to be productive, to demand a higher standard of ourselves, and to inspire others to do the same. To summon our best. Wayne Gretzky once said, "The key to winning is skating first to where the puck will be next." In other words, to have our performance edge we need to bring our A-Game -or- be left behind.
And let's call it out ... the world needs role models for Positive Change right now ... someone who will step up, who will innovate, who will push, who will get the job done, and who will inspire others to follow their lead!
If You are not that someone, then You are role modeling the opposite, by default!
Ask Yourself ...
🍀 Who needs Me on My A-Game right now?
My partner, my family, my friends, my community, my coworkers, your team?
🍀 In what areas do I need to step up right now?
With my finances, my mission/career/art?
🍀 Where do I need to be more focused on making positive changes for Myself right now?
My health, my meaningful pursuits, my Spirit?
🍀 Who better than Me to be a Positive Role Model right now for ...
Embracing change! Expanding My Possibilities! Elevating My Potential! Evolving!
Leading by Example! Living an Extraordinary Life!
If You came up with a list of answers to these questions, then the Time is Now for You to Do It Differentley!
🛑 STOP right here ... before You go any further
✅ If this is going to be our last encounter I want to 🎁 gift to You a tool 🛠 of the high performance habit that will increase Your awareness and set You on Your path of living an Extraordinary Life. With no strings attached, I don't need your email, this is a gift from Me to You! There is no need to write these questions down or take a screenshot or cut and paste. There is a PDF for You to download directly here in The Resources!
The questions I've already posed are not merely retorical. They are deep and pertainant and essential for You to ask Yourself and reflect upon if You want to live an Extraordinary Life!
Optimally, ask them of Yourself daily or weekly!
Minimally, ask them of Yourself monthly!
Mandatorily, ask them of Yourself yearly!
Don't let weeks, months and even years of Your life slip by with no passion, no purose, and no aliveness!
Rate Yourself and go deeper by asking the related questions.
- 🍀 How is My health? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What routines do I follow daily to get energized and to rest to ensure I experience vibrancy each day? What is My routine for recovery? - 🍀 Are My relationships strong? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What habits have I developed to create thriving, engaging connections? What frameworks do I follow for conflict resolution? - 🍀 How productive am I? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What strategies and skillsets do I utilize at work and at home to be focused and effective to achieve what's most important to Me? What is My strategy for minimizing distractions?
Ask these questions and use the prompts to trigger even more awareness.
- 🍀 Who needs Me on My A-Game right now? My partner, my family, my friends, my community, my coworkers, your team?
- 🍀 In what areas do I need to step up right now? With my finances, my mission/career/art?
- 🍀 Where do I need to be more focused on making positive changes for Myself right now? With my health, my meaningful pursuits, my Spirit?
- 🍀 Who better than Me to be a Positive Role Model right now for ... Embracing change! Expanding My Possibilities! Elevating My Potential! Evolving! Leading by Example! Living an Extraordinary Life!
Enjoy this gift 🎁 ... I hope it serves You well 🛠 !
- 🍀 How is My health? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How can You Do It Differentley and get predictable results?
Simple ... all You need to do is follow a proven system.
I've been a Systems Integration Engineer for over 3 decades. Though my projects are not exactly the same, there are similarities between then and I follow my own proceedures and processes to get the job done efficiently, correctly and with as little confusion and rework as possible. No guessing, no stressing, no re-inventing the wheel! I love having processes, I love having systems, I love having the steps mapped out!
Two other systems I love are Certified High Performance CoachingTM and Meditation with a Purpose ... because I have the systems for both. I love having following these tools and frameworks and sharing them with my clients. And best of all, my clients are getting predictable results!
And You can too!
You can too, even if You have never stepped into the study of personal development.
You can too, even if You have already tried everything ... books, online courses, siminars, workshops, podcasts, webinars, retreats, teachers, traditional coaching and the apps (oh, You know all of those apps!!!) ... and You have not achieved the results You are looking for.
You can uplevel any area of your life with the right tools and a little 1 to 1 attention!
Certified High Performance CoachingTM
The definition of High Performance is "succeeding beyond standard norms over the long term,
while maintaining positive well-being and relationships.”
~ Brendon Burchard, the New York Times bestselling author of High Performance Habits,
the world's most successful and highest-paid Certified High Performance Coach with over a decade in the field,
and founder of the High Performance Institute.
We all know people who are successful in business, and their personal relationships are failing. We all know people who have successful relationships, yet have ruined their health. They are not High Performers. They would not qualify.
Would You?
✅ What makes CHPC different than Most other Coaching?
CHPC is a newer approach, compared to the long history of traditional coaching. And that is a good thing, considering we are in a new world now!
CHPC is a science tested, proven, results-oriented, research-based, and curriculum driven process of 2 decades. Unlike other coaching programs are listening based and client oriented, the agenda and focus of CHPC coaching is directed by the coach ensuring forward movement and progress for the client.
Every session has has clear goals and intended outcomes and a unique topic, and includes education, training and coaching designed to challenge clients to raise their level of awareness and inspire their next level thinking. The sessions have been structured to build upon the previous so the clients experience a level of learning and development that is very intentional and strategic in its progression.
✅ With CHPC, what High Performance Habits are developed and what are the correlating Outcomes?
CHPC is about the needle moving habits creating the performance edge that ensures results and advancement!
The High Performance habits are drivers of excellence for sharper clarity, increased confidence, greater influence, more effective communication skills, resilience to challenge, conscious leadership, team building, increased productivity and success.
High Performance Habits ➡ High Performance Outcomes
* Seek Clarity ➡️ * Accelerate Innovation
* Generate Energy ➡️ * Optimize Wellness & Joy
* Raise Necessity ➡️ * Strengthen Culture
* Increase Productivity ➡️ * Sustain Growth
* Develop Influence ➡️ * Inspire Collective Agility/Momentum
* Demonstrate Courage ➡️ * Make Bold Moves
✅ How satisfied are most people with the results they achieve with CHPC?
The High Performance Institute sought proof of satisfaction and teamed with a third-party company to track 100,000 CHPC sessions in 173 countries delivered by CHPCs. They discovered: the average client satisfaction rating for Certified High Performance Coaching was 9.7 out of 10—the highest score ever recorded for any multi-month coaching program.
✅ Are there studies to prove that CHPC provides specific results?
A team consisting of Brendon Burchard, High Performance Institute researchers (the same organization where I've attained my coaching certification) and graduates from the Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) program at the University of Pennsylvania developed a scale called the High Performance Indicator (HPI) to measure and analyzed over 100 human performance variables in six key categories (clarity, energy, necessity, productivity, influence, and courage) proven to relate to a person’s long-term success potential. The HPI is the world's first validated assessment on high performance based on research and proven performance improvement methods.
The researchers found that:
The HPI has proven to strongly correlate with external measures of success (sales performance, academic GPA performance, executive promotion odds, business unit financial success) AND important life outcomes like happiness, health, positive relationships, and confidence.
The two studies with a total of 174,054 participants, showed that the HPI was predictive of several important life outcomes:
~ happiness ~ confidence ~ education level ~ perceived excellence ~ life satisfaction ~ work quality
~ career impact ~ income ~ quality of interpersonal relationships
Need proof? You can send a request for a copy of the entire research article here.
➡ So what's the bottom line?
Whether You are a CEO, a stay-at-home parent, an Olympic athlete, a minister, or a retiree, if You want feel more happiness, confidence and life satisfaction the Certified High Performance CoachingTM (CHPC) curriculum will lead You through the process, step by step, to develop habits that reinforce a positive mindset and optimize the way You perform Your tasks, turning Your Potential into High Performance taking every area of Your life to the next level!
And if You are seeking to be more effective in affecting positive change in Your team, Your Non-Profit, the classroom, or Your own living room, the CHPC curriculum will transform Your leadership style to that of relationship oriented leadership emphasizing the satisfaction, motivation, and well-being of those Your serve.
If You are interested in transforming the culture, cooperation, productivity, and bottom line of Your team or organization considering bringing 1 to 1 coaching for executives or Group CHPC coaching for teams into your company.
That's right ...
CHPC is a scientifically tested and proven approach to deliver results that are replicable, predictable and measurable.
The CHPC curriculum has been been successfully assisting clients for over a decade.
You can trust CHPC is a world-class curriculum.
You can trust CHPC coaches are world-class trained.
CHPC is designed to challenge You and push You and tip You back into forward movement.
CHPC is honed to raise Your level of awareness and inspire Your next level thinking.
The ultimate goal of CHPC is to help You “succeed above and beyond standard norms over the long term, while maintaining well-being and positive relationships.”
That's why I love and trust CHPC!
The Menu of Services, Programs & Offerings
Corporate High Performance Coaching
For the leaders and teams ready to Do It Differentley! Offering 1:1 and Team Corporate High Performance Coaching, as well as a unique Meditation At Work program. It’s time to get your A-game on to effect better outcomes at work. Better results. Better teams. More co-creation, empowerment, and leadership. More efficiency, excellence, and expansion! Interested?
Keep reading for more details!
High Performance Coaching For Individuals Ready for Expansion
For people who are seeking more empowerment strategies for life transformation, business growth, or career success. Offering 1:1 High Performance Coaching, or coaching in a group setting. Are you struggling to stay focused or to get ahead? To better influence your team or customers? Are you struggling to show up at your BEST when it counts the most? Is the team you are leading struggling to be productive? These are just some of the things that come up in high performance.
Read on to explore more!
with a Purpose
Are you seeking more self-connection and self-integration? Maybe you want to set healthy boundaries in relationships. Perhaps you’re interested in exploring mindful living or finding inner peace. Join in via 1:1 or group Mediation With A Purpose coaching. Because meditation is a fundamental power that we can all tap into! Reaching for HIGHER performance in every aspect of our lives requires reflection and introspection.
Read more to explore what’s possible!
Do It Differentley ... in ALL new ways!
Because deep inside YOU KNOW there is a better way. YOU KNOW you have untapped potential. YOU KNOW productivity is not synonymous with burnout.
YOU KNOW exciting opportunities will present themselves when you clear out the gunk of a life that doesn’t feed your soul. YOU KNOW it’s time to make a choice, to GO there, to evoke change in your life.YOU crave movement, progress, and momentum, YOU are more than ready to…
It’s time to embrace ALL aspects of who you truly are!
To get on your A-Game, to create a life where purpose and enthusiasm permeate every cell of your body, mind, and spirit. Where productivity is synonymous with joy and abundance.You are creating your life moment by moment with
each decision you make and each action you take.
Repetition of actions creates habits.
Habits create predictable outcomes.
If you want different results.
You already know ... You have to do things differentley!
High performance is achieving a higher potential with a foundation of making POSITIVE CHANGE that leads to…
🌟 Manifesting your SOUL DESIRES
🌟 BETTER health
🌟 Financial ABUNDANCE
…and so much more! If you’re ready to UP LEVEL to the most FEARLESS, INSPIRED, AUTHENTIC version of yourself, I’m excited to serve as your guide to CLARITY, PURPOSE, and SELF-MASTERY.
I can help you develop lasting and effective EMPOWERMENT STRATEGIES for creating a life of balance, freedom, and profound self-realization.
Stress and overwhelm, lack of motivation and depression, and feeling stuck in life because your authentic purpose is not being served are common themes in today’s world. But YOU are tired of self-doubt, frustration, and exhaustion.
YOU are tuning in to what your SOUL desires. YOU are ready to step into a new version of yourself. YOU are eager to embrace different ways to think and a new way to live. YOU have decided that it’s time to…... because when you feel good about yourself, everybody wins!
Your partner wins. Your family members win. Your friends win. Your workplace wins.
… and most importantly, YOU WIN!
You’ve come to the right place if YOU KNOW you are ready to ….
Live More Unapologeticalley
Because there’s no reason NOT to take back control and live your life with HAPPINESS and SELF EMPOWERMENT.
Because there’s no reason NOT to attain NEXT LEVEL PERFORMANCE and to live a life that makes you ANNOYINGLY MOTIVATED, happy, and successful.
Because there’s no reason NOT to reach your SELF IMPROVEMENT GOALS with EXCITEMENT and ENTHUSIASM.
Because when you LIVE YOUR TRUTH, you empower others to do the same.
Live More Authenticalley
Because you deserve to embark on a LEVEL-UP journey of SELF-LOVE therapy to discover your TRUE SELF and start feeling YOUR BEST.
Because you are ready to stop living without motivation. To exchange overwhelm and anxiety for VIBRANT HEALTH and WELLNESS so you can express your BEST SELF to the fullest extent.
Because you are awakening to INNER GUIDANCE and HIGHER SELF-communication. You are ready to discover your TRUE PASSION and to develop your own unique ALCHEMY for life.
Because developing SELF ADVOCACY SKILLS and EMPOWERMENT STRATEGIES facilitates authentic HEART and SOUL wellness.
Live More Fearlessley
Because you are ready to take one simple, COURAGEOUS step forward to next level EMPOWERMENT in business and FULFILLMENT in life.
Because you are ready to kick self-doubt to the curb and EMBRACE CHANGE.
Because when you FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF you become your own EMPOWERMENT coach who masters SELF IMPROVEMENT challenges with skill and ease.
Because SELF-CONFIDENCE is sexy, FEELING POWERFUL is fabulous, and BEING A BADASS is fun.
Because you are ready to start FEELING STRONG NOW!
Because you are willing to do whatever it takes to discover WHAT FULFILLMENT MEANS.
What I KNOW right now is that it’s time to Do It Differentley...
It’s time to reset your life and reignite hope for the future… in all ways.
Empowerment in business, life-balance recovery, life satisfaction, and self-esteem.
It’s time to make relationships healthy, find your true passion, and do what makes you feel good about yourself.
You may have let the fear, negativity, overwhelm, and anxiety of these last years shut you down? Are you tired mentally and physically.
You may feel discouraged and depleted by exhaustion and stress. And, you know what? I've felt it too. It’s why self-empowerment education is SO VITAL.
And that is why the integration tools of HIGH-PERFORMANCE coaching can help. Let me share a little more about who I am and why I do this work.
Do It Differentley Podcast
The podcast with DIFFERENT at its core! It’s time to do things DIFFERENTLEY!
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